Nutritional Requirements

#20/20 - How do you expect the NE to change (in time) considering the changes in genetics (example: selection for leaner genetics, higher efficiencies, etc.)?

Speakers: Dr Jean Noblet, Dr Pierre-André Geraert and Pierre Cozannet

I’m not very concerned about the impact of changing the genetic on the DE or ME or NE change, but I think we have shown in many studies in pigs that the k value wasn’t changed much according to the genotype of the pigs.

(Q&A #20/20_Webinar #11)
After education on Net Energy in the SEV, time now to get our expert, Jean Noblet answering questions from the field. The short introduction will be followed by 19 questions answered by Jean, Pierre Cozannet with Pierre-André Geraert as moderator of the webinar.
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