Feed Technology

Digital biosecurity, health and antibiotics control; steps for implementation in practice

March 30, 2023

Biorisk is a new method and technology to diagnose, improve and control the biosecurity within the pig farms.
Biorisk, supported by real time biosecurity data, is the only system currently available able to predict the potential disease dissemination caused by the staff movements.

 Biorisk will allow producers to:

  • Decrease the risk of disease outbreaks within and across the farms
  • Predict outbreaks caused by human movements
  • Improve farm health and reduce antibiotic use
  • Improve productive and financial results


Inmaculada Diaz: Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Córdoba Master's degree in zootechnics and organic farming.

She has been working at PigCHAMP since 2010, where she started in the applied research department. From the beginning, he has been participating in different areas of the company until he ended up being part of the Department of Digital Transformation in Livestock at the end of 2016. Currently, his main functions are related to Biosafety as the person in charge, and productive improvement through data analysis. In addition, she is the author of articles for dissemination in magazines and websites of the pig sector such as 3tres3.com and collaborator of the Master in Health and Production of the UCM-UPM.

Carlos Pineiro: Veterinary, PhD from the University of Meiji-Tokyo and diploma from the European College of Swine Veterinarians.

Director of PigCHAMP Pro Europe since its creation in 2000, contributing to the development of the strategy for the implementation of information management systems in livestock and related services, as well as applied research services. Promoter of the internationalization of the company and its positioning as a relevant actor among the Academy, the Administration and the rest of the companies in the sector.

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