History of AA balancing and solutions for improved milk and components
This webinar will give you an appreciation for the history of the science behind amino acid (AA) balancing, the amino acids of most importance, and what improvements to expect in milk yield, fat yield and protein yield when effectively achieving target levels of lysine and methionine.
Dr. Chuck Schwab’s Ph.D. work was the catalyst for the development of AA balancing as we know it today. The first milestone to the practical implementation of AA balancing was the publication of the integrated INRA AA formulation system in 1993.
Initially AA balancing was only thought to have an effect on milk protein. Today a recent summation of 25 production trials in which rations were AA balanced using Adisseo rumen protection technologies shows clearly that AA balancing affects positively milk fat synthesis as well as milk protein.
The trial results show an increase of 1.7 kg/day in energy corrected milk (ECM), +60 g/day in milk protein and +80 g/day in milk fat, corresponding to average increases of +0.13% and +0.16% in protein and fat content respectively. Trial results have been replicated in commercial dairy farms, but formulation practices will determine how successful the results of AA balancing will be.
Dr. Chuck Schwab’s Ph.D. work was the catalyst for the development of AA balancing as we know it today. The first milestone to the practical implementation of AA balancing was the publication of the integrated INRA AA formulation system in 1993.
Initially AA balancing was only thought to have an effect on milk protein. Today a recent summation of 25 production trials in which rations were AA balanced using Adisseo rumen protection technologies shows clearly that AA balancing affects positively milk fat synthesis as well as milk protein.
The trial results show an increase of 1.7 kg/day in energy corrected milk (ECM), +60 g/day in milk protein and +80 g/day in milk fat, corresponding to average increases of +0.13% and +0.16% in protein and fat content respectively. Trial results have been replicated in commercial dairy farms, but formulation practices will determine how successful the results of AA balancing will be.
Features: Chuck Schwab, Schwab Consulting, LLC; Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire, USA. Franck Gaudin, Dairy Business Director, Big Gain Feed, Inc., USA, Owner, FG Consulting, LLC. Dr. Brian Sloan, Business Director -- Protected Amino Acids, Adisseo.