Tagged with resistance

Gut Health

Webinar #10 : Resilient Microbiota and...

466 views January 22, 2021

Speakers: Prof Ducatelle, Prof Rychlik and Dr Pierre-Andre Geraert An animal is in fact an...

Gut Health

Antibiotics, probiotics and anti-virulence:...

121 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Sam BROWN, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Drug resistance is an important...

Gut Health

Can we select birds to be more resistant to...

57 views June 11, 2021

Speakers: Dr Fabrice LAURENT Advancia Academy 2018: Strengthening intestinal frontier: key for...

Gut Health

The intestinal frontier integrity: the tight...

118 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Dr Raquel MARTIN-VENEGAS, Fac Pharmacy, FFUB, Barcelona, Spain The selectivity of the...

Gut Health

Dr Mustapha Berri Interview addressing the...

279 views February 26, 2021

Interrview of Dr. Mustapha Berry (INRA Pig Mucosal Immunity Team) made during the 2nd...