Feed Technology

Unleash the full potential of your animals

November 18, 2022
Speakers: Dr. Jean Noblet, Net Energy Expert and Céline Gras, Feed formulation GTM, Adisseo

Experts & formulators in energy have discussed how Net Energy is the most appropriate system to formulate feeds in poultry and swine.

Adisseo has a long expertise in feed formulation through the development of usage of digestible amino acids, enzymes, minerals... Adisseo has also developed with the NIRS technology the knowledge of the precise nutritional value of raw materials and its variability.

To further support our customers in making the best use of raw materials through feed formulation we have developed the NESTOR software. It gives a Net Energy value to all ingredients besides other energy units, digestible and total amino acids, minerals, and proximate values to fit the animal needs and recommendations.

Discover the basics and interests of Net Energy system, followed by a practical session to share the impact of switching from Metabolizable Energy to Net Energy on feed formulations: hierarchy of raw materials, incorporation of alternative feedstuffs, impact on feed cost.

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