
Nutrient variability of oilseed meals: the case of soybean meal

Speakers: Prof Bob SWICK (UNE, Australia) & Dr Jan van EYS (GANS, France)

Processing factors are also involved to explain the nutritional variability of soybean meals. As digestible lysine value is poorly correlated with crude protein content, other methods need to be employed to appreciate the current nutritional value of soybean meals.

Advancia Academy 2019

Variability: the nutritionist’s nightmare:
How to monitor its impact to improve feed formulation?
Feed is the largest contributor to the cost of animal protein production. It is therefore, the main cause of uncertainty and anxiety for nutritionists and feed formulators. Dealing with variability to prepare consistent feeds is the objective of nutritionists worldwide.
There are no bad raw materials… only wrongly evaluated and incorrectly used raw materials.
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