Tagged with homeostasis

Gut Health

Butyrate: a tool for a better gut health

576 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Joshua GONG Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Presentation: Butyrate has roles as...

Gut Health

Microbiota is necessary for the development of...

683 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS, Inst Vet Medicine, Univ Munich, Germany The gut immune system...

Gut Health

Prof Bernd KASPERS presentation introduction

510 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Prof Bernd KASPERS (Univ Munich, Germany), introduces his presentation: Microbiota is...

Gut Health

Dr Fabrice LAURENT presentation introduction

112 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Dr Fabrice LAURENT (INRA, France), introduces his presentation: Protective and...

Gut Health

Protective and deleterious intestinal immune...

378 views June 11, 2021

Speaker: Dr Fabrice LAURENT, Avian Pathology Department, INRA, France Parasites affect the...


Electrolyte balance in pig and sow diets: an...

1,000 views June 15, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Nathalie Quiniou, IFIP, Rennes, France Low protein diets are further developing in...