Tagged with diseases


Webinar #6 Egg Quality : an issue when...

694 views January 22, 2021

Speakers: Dr Valérie LECHEVALIER, Dr Vincent GUYONNET, Dr Yves NYS, Dr Joël GAUTRON and...

Gut Health

Webinar #10 : Resilient Microbiota and...

467 views January 22, 2021

Speakers: Prof Ducatelle, Prof Rychlik and Dr Pierre-Andre Geraert An animal is in fact an...

Gut Health

Nutrition rebalancing under antibiotic-free...

133 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Dr Mike PERSIA Virginia Tech, USA Presentation: Digestive pathogens affect amino acid...

Gut Health

Using meta-technologies in understanding how...

329 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Prof Joël DORE, MICALIS, Metagenopolis, INRA, Paris, France We are an ecosystem, in...

Gut Health

Campylobacter is not a commensal in chickens...

243 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Dr Lisa WILLIAMS, Swansea, UK Campylobacter is not a harmless commensal, affecting...

Gut Health

Approaches to identify biomarkers for...

562 views January 21, 2021

Speakers: Prof Filip VAN IMMERSEEL, Faculty Vet Medicine, Ghent Univ, Belgium New technologies...


Potential of enzymes to buffer variability

269 views January 21, 2021

Speaker: Natalie MORGAN (UNE, Australia) Presentation: Supplementary enzymes have the potential...


From Oxidative stress to Inflammation: redox...

195 views June 16, 2021

Speaker: Prof Charlotte LAURIDSEN An optimized antioxidant balance, particularly vitamin E and...