Webinar#11: Net Energy, Feed Formulation and animal performance

Webinar #11 - Net Energy, Feed Formulation and animal performance: How to move from theory to practice?

Speakers: Dr Jean Noblet, Dr Pierre-André Geraert and Pierre Cozannet 

Last June, we completed the release of a series of 8 Short Educational Videos on Net Energy (NE) presented by Dr Jean NOBLET (ex-INRAe) who largely developed the NE concept in swine and participated to the development of NE for poultry during his scientific career.

Net Energy: everything you wanted to know about NE but were afraid to ask! This SEV series was designed to better understand the concept of NE, the methods to determine NE, how to calculate NE of ingredients and diets, the impact of NE on feed formulation, and the benefits in terms of performance and usage of additives.

During this webinar, Dr Jean Noblet, Dr Pierre-André Geraert and Pierre Cozannet discussed on : Net Energy, Feed Formulation and animal performance: How to move from theory to practice.
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